CEO Jared Cahill of On Your Way of Dallas, a rewards-based web program that helps credit unions attract, engage, educate and retain Generation Y members, discusses financial challenges facing young adults (ages 18-32) in a recent interview with Shama Kabani, host of CW33-TV's "Socially Sound with Shama." Kabani is a leading voice on social media and technology trends, who hosts ?Socially Sound with Shama? on CW33-TV, serving the Dallas-Fort Worth market. ?Every day, I'm asked for my recommendations on the best tech products out there,? says the TV commentator, who has won numerous accolades and awards in the tech and business industries. Only 26 years old, the University of Texas graduate is CEO of The Marketing Zen Group of Dallas and author of ?The Zen of Social Media Marketing,? an area in which many credit unions are eager to gain traction. Kabani and Cahill (seen at left) agreed that too many young adults ? ?through no fault of their own? ? are not learning in school, at home or even in college how to effectively handle their money in these economically challenging times. The self-paced course covers such essential financial skills as understanding a cardholder agreement, comparing car loans and eliminating debt. The OYW website provides GenY members/visitors with current and relevant financial information and tools for making informed financial decisions and rewards visitors with valuable prizes for activities there, thus building loyalty and retention. The marketing firm offers targeted direct mail campaigns and opt-in e-mail educational and lifestyle messages that take only minutes to read or view.
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